Extra & Co-Curricular Activities
Guest Lecture:- Every Year Department arrange Resource persons to deliver lectures to students on various topics related to Marathi Bhasha sahitya aaniSanskrutiand .career guidance
Workshop:- Department conducts workshop on New Syllabus. It also conducts workshop on shodhanibandh Lekhan Koushalyaparikshan Lekhan Khoshaya.
Field-visit:- Every Year Department arranges field visits to various or educational T0ur. On literary places, and they learn literaturenot from the benches but from the places. Field visits are arranged to widen the Horizons of the students.
Marathi PandharavadaCelebration:- January 01sttk 15 every year Marathi Department celebrate Marathi Bhasha Pandharawada
Day celebration:- SamajikSamata divas, VachanPreranadiwas, Marathi Divas Mahila divas
VIDHYARHI DATTAK YAJANA - Career counselling Guidance:-
SANVAD:- Department of Marathi every year arranged interaction with alumni who excelled in different careers. The idea behind this programme is to give an insight into the various career opportunities available to Students.
Research paper writing Competition for students:- Department has linkages with three institutionsLJNJ Mhila college and Ambikabai Jadhav College from last 7 years. Every year it conducts Research competition on the subjects related to Marathi literature
Marathi Pradhyapak Parishad -