
Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College of Arts & Commerce

श्री एम. डी. शाह महिला महाविद्यालय कला आणि वाणिज्य

An Autonomous Institution

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC ,
Affiliated to S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai
Accredited 'A' Grade with CGPA- 3.04 (4th Cycle) by NAAC
IMC RBNQA - Performance Excellence Trophy

ISO 21001 : 2018 - Educational Organisation

ISO 50001 : 2018 - Energy Management System

ISO 14001 : 2015 - Environmental Management System

Accolades - Students

  • Best Boxer in Maharashtra: Geeta Thapa Gold medalist in 54 kg category (2015-16)
  • Boxing Championship: Bhagyashree Purohit Gold medalist in 60 kg category(2015-16)
  • Gold medal recipient Minu Pal for highest marks in BA Hindi (2017)
  • Gold medal recipient Nisha Yadav for highest marks in MA Hindi (2017)
  • Late Principal K S Kelkar Gold medal recipient Komal Vinod Kumar Shukla for securing highest marks in entire Hindi at MA (2018), Mahadevi Verma Hindi Academy prize for standing first in Hindi at MA.