
Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College of Arts & Commerce

श्री एम. डी. शाह महिला महाविद्यालय कला आणि वाणिज्य

An Autonomous Institution

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC ,
Affiliated to S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai
Accredited 'A' Grade with CGPA- 3.04 (4th Cycle) by NAAC
IMC RBNQA - Performance Excellence Trophy

ISO 21001 : 2018 - Educational Organisation

ISO 50001 : 2018 - Energy Management System

ISO 14001 : 2015 - Environmental Management System



Registered Under NGO Darpan with Unique Id of VO/NGO: MH/2016/0102040

The College has a family counseling centre which is funded by the Centre Social Welfare Board. The aim of the Family Counseling is to enable the students or clients to utilize their parent resources most effectively in solving various problems. It is objective is to bring about readjustment in situation with a minimum of personality change rather than to delve into the sources of anxieties, stress and conflicts. The Centre Concentrates on the solutions of specific problems – academic, career, family and personal i.e poor study habits, lack of self-confidence, peer paternal conflicts, relationships, instability in emotions, peer rejection etc. which may be interfering with the person’s effective functioning.

The Family Counseling Centre also guides students to make decisions and plans regarding Education, Vocational and other courses of action and thereby to make a correct choice. This means to select an occupation or educational stream according to one’s abilities, interests, needs and aspirations which would make and individual happy and successful.

Family Counselling Centre is supporting students and Community by regular Counselling Sessions and Support Services like legal Aid consultancy, the scope of Central Social Welfare Board’s policy.

Dr. Varsha Patel B.A. in Psychology, M.A. in Clinical Psychology, B.Ed, Ph.D and Counsellor is Regularly attending office of FCC along with Miss Manisha Shinde, M.A. Psychology .Counsellor to provide FCC Service to Students and community.

FCC is doing Activities for College Students and Community around .The detail of some of the highlighting activities is as under:-

Activities of family Counselling Centre for students at Shri M.D.Shah Mahila College.

Every Year We conducted orientation program in each and every class. Students were aware made about FCC. And pamphlets were put up on notice boards.

Organized Poster making competitions on World Mental Health Day wherein participation was more than 125 students.

Arranged guest sessions for college students on various important psychological issues where by honorable chief guest were eager to impart their valuable time and knowledge.

Like some of Follow

  1. Suicide prevention 2) How to become public speaker 3) Yoga 4) Mental health 5) Power   of thoughts 6) Awareness about Legal aid Clinic 7) Career options & skill building for making youth empowerment 8) Increasing Self-esteem &Improving Motivation level in current scenario 9 ) Cyber Security 10) Cyber Crime
  2. A play named “Chhoti si Asha ” based on Family issues & Mental Health was not only enacted but also conceptualized in the M.D.Shah Mahila College premises on the occasion of Annual Function ,which received high appreciation and recognition by the learned and well disciplined audience around Two thousand audience present in college premises.
  3. Conducted Medical camp for Senior Citizen with Sociology Department in Shri M.D.Shah Mahila College around 135 Senior Citizen participated
  4. We arranged and Joined River March 2018 and 15 students Joined with us   at Dahisar
Activities of family Counselling Centre for Community
  1. Organized a lecture for Senior Citizen on Psychological Counselling of Senior Citizen at Jeevan Saurabh Group by Dr, Varsha patel. Around 125 Senior citizen were present in Hall at Sundarnagar Malad (w)
  2. Conducted Awareness programme on World Mental Health day which is celebrated on 10th October every year. So this year FCC organized awareness about the same with Senior Citizen group. Around 65 of them participated. Parrot green colour was symbolic colour for the day .so the ribbons of the same colour were distributed to the people. Which was the small message convey to people about the World Mental Health day
  3. The Counselors visited Goregaon Sport Club at International day of person with disabilities, a special program for disabled person. FCC had placed a help desk at GSC and distributed pamphlets to inform disabled people about counseling center and create awareness about the motto to empower persons with disability and leaving no one behind the pledge.
  4. FCC conducted Environmental Awareness Programme with the senior citizen based on ‘Tree Plantation’ on 5th June 2018
  5. FCC Conducted poster making competition on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao at Aditya Academy on 7th April 2018 where around 70 students participated. Out of which top three students received certificate and prize. Also conducted orientation on gender sensitivity and gender equality wherein students received participation certificate for the same.

Counselor Training program for Para-legal volunteers at Navjeevan centre. FCC members attended Workshop on various psychological issues & its Legal implications organized by Navjeevan centre located at Grant road. Under this, FCC also had visits to Nagpada police station & Byculla jail & Dadar old court.

Attended advanced training by Frontline Functionaries of One stop Centre (OSC),Women Helpline (WHL) collaborated with Family Counseling Centre (FCC), Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) for rendering Quality Services & Coordinated Assistance to Women Affected with Violence on 16th -17th January ,2019.

Dr. Varsha Patel Achievements during 2017-19

  • Mumbai District /Suburban Legal Services Authority PLV member – Dr.Varsha Patel
  • WNS Cares Foundation Appreciation certificate
  • Jeevan Saurabh Senior Citizen Appreciation Certificate
  • River March Appreciation Certificate

Timing: 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Day: Monday to Saturday

College Bldg.