
Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College of Arts & Commerce

श्री एम. डी. शाह महिला महाविद्यालय कला आणि वाणिज्य

An Autonomous Institution

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC ,
Affiliated to S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai
Accredited 'A' Grade with CGPA- 3.04 (4th Cycle) by NAAC
IMC RBNQA - Performance Excellence Trophy

ISO 21001 : 2018 - Educational Organisation

ISO 50001 : 2018 - Energy Management System

ISO 14001 : 2015 - Environmental Management System

Best Practices



 Objectives of the Practice:

A practice of disseminating Gandhian philosophy aimed at imbibing values in students and develop character, ethics and self-reliance in them.

 The Context 

            Moral values are fading these days. Race for success and indifference to others needs have increased. People have forgotten the worth of simple and meaningful living.

 The Practice 

                The Department of History organizes ‘Gandhi week’ in the first week of October annually.  It arranges to introduce the young students to his life, philosophies, and teachings of non-violence and honesty through Exhibitions, Quiz, Historical Visits and self-reliance workshops. Students learn from experience and examples set by Gandhiji.

 Evidence of Success 

                The organization of ‘Gandhi week’ has enabled to inculcate and raise the level of values among students. Varied activities during the week has helped in enhancing team work in the true spirit of the word and the gainful aspect of the changing oneself to build a better social structure.

 Problems Encountered and Resources required 

                The hurdles faced were-

  • Unwilling to change working style

  • Sustenance of morale throughout the week

  • Attitudinal problem

Resources required-

  • Inviting experts 

  • Monetary funding to hold exhibitions, conduct visits 

 Sustained programmes can bring in required changes in students – leadership qualities, respect for nation and its resources.



 Objectives of the Practice:

Education aims at balanced personality growth of individuals by improving confidence and communication skills, developing leadership qualities and managing conflict.

 The Context 

             Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context.

 The Practice 

                Various departments arrange for week-long activities. English Department organises thematic skill-based activity week while Hindi department arranges for ‘Prem Panchami’ as a tribute to writer Premchand. Psychology and Economics departments organize study visits and subject based activities. The college Annual Day is a multifarious event providing a rich learning experience.

 Evidence of Success 

                The organization of week-long events by various departments and the college has enabled students to present themselves in different forums with confidence and determination. Students learnt to take responsibility and execute work systematically.   

 Problems Encountered and Resources required 

                The hurdles faced were-

  • Sustenance of morale throughout the week

  • Balancing studies and activities

 Resources required-

  • Space for large events 

  • Funding to organize intercollegiate, state and national levels events





Objectives of the Practice: 

Shri M D Shah Mahila College of Arts and Commerce caters largely to students who come from middle and lower middle class families. With the background of economic backwardness, academic and social pressures, the students aim to make a niche for themselves in the competitive corporate world but find themselves lacking in job skills.  With an aim to make such students confident and ready for the work culture, skill based courses were offered. The main objectives were-

  • To make economically and socially independent students
  • Equip students with vocational skills to enhance employability
  • Develop competent, confident and positively inclined students

The Context: 

There lies a big gap between the expectation of the employer and potential of the student who wishes to be employed while studying to support family income. The gap emerges due a number of factors-

  • Lack of communication skills
  • Negligent vocational skills
  • Lack of confidence
  • Attitudinal issues
  • Poor presentation skills
  • Curriculum gap

In addition to this, social factors like inflation and misconceptions about certain careers act as a barrier. It becomes essential to extend a supportive hand in equipping students with necessary skills and bridge the gap.

In keeping with the national trend of emphasis on ‘skills’ and the firm resolve to help students acquire skills needed to become a part of the work force, the JSS Skill Academy was established by the management of the college and skill courses based on need-analysis are conducted.

The Practice:

The establishment and timely regulation of courses of JSS Skill Academy was based on number of facts-

  • Needs analysis observed by teachers – Reports and statistics of the Placement Cell pointed to the glaring reality that students lacked job skills required for absorption into the work force.
  • Ignorance of Work Culture – There was a big gap between curricula and industrial needs and also ignorance of culture required in companies or corporate sectors.
  • Linkage – There was a dearth of linkage with industry and industry experts.
  • Lack of practical knowledge – Students had knowledge of the theoretical aspect of the subject but application of it in real situations was lacking. There was an urgent need to bridge that gap.
  • Language barrier – Students lacked confidence and communication skills because of abysmal or improper linguistic skills.
  • Certification – The certificates were authenticated by in-house authorities.

The establishment and affiliation of JSS Skill Academy in 2017 with Skill Development and Vocational Training Institute of India (SDVTII) has been a major advantage to the institute. SDVTII is a training partner of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Vocational Training Provider of Maharashtra State Skill Development Society (MSSDS) and Authorized Training Partner of Maharashtra Business Training Board (MBTB). JSS Skill Academy provides Aided and Unaided Government recognized skill training in alignment with Skill India Mission.

The following list of courses in 2021-22 enabled students to gather theoretical as well practical knowledge. Some of the significant courses include-

Sr. no

Course Title

Number of students enrolled

  1. 1.       

Advanced Office Automation and Photoshop


  1. 2.       

Developing Web Skills with Advanced JS


  1. 3.       

Advance JAVA


  1. 4.       

Creative Thinking with CORELDRAW


  1. 5.       

3D Visualization with Google SketchUp


  1. 6.       

Computerized Accounting using Tally


  1. 7.       

Mutual Fund


  1. 8.       

e-Taxation & Direct Tax


  1. 9.       

Retail Sales Associate



Advertising and Branding



Digital Marketing



First Year Fashion Designing



Second Year Fashion Designing



Third Year Fashion Designing



Fourth Year Fashion Designing



First Year Interior Designing



Second Year Interior Designing



Third Year Interior Designing



Basic Beauty Course



Intermediate Beauty Course



Advance Beauty Course



Free Digital Literacy Course



Account Executive Course



Retail Sales Operator



Team Leader Management


 Evidence of Success

The establishment of a skill academy has benefitted students immensely in terms of skill equipment and placement.

 The Placement records improved encouragingly post the initiation of the Skill Academy from 34 students who got a job in various institutes and companies in 2014 to more than 146 in 2017. The Skill Academy has established linkage with around 90 companies and firms. It has benefitted in terms of expert guidance received during seminars and workshops organized for students. In addition the linkage supports in the placement of students for internship and jobs.

 There is a notable improvement not only in skill acquisition but also in the confidence levels of the students. The availability of a government recognized skill based course within the premises of the college was an added advantage.


Problems Encountered and Resources required: 

  • Maintaining a balance between skill training sessions and academic engagements
  • Follow-up and monitoring students after the training session
  • Students face financial hurdles to start their own business venture.
  • Building confidence and interest in students to complete the course

Best practice - 2


Objectives of the Practice: 

Educational institutes are harbringers of change in society. On the global scenario the crucial question being discussed is the rate at which global warming is accelerating and its disastrous consequences. What measures can be adopted by an educational institution to slow down the GHG emission on the campus? With an aim to bring down the GHG emission certain strategic changes were brought in the functioning of the institue. The objectives were –

  • To reduce the use of paper and power on the campus
  • To promote renewable energy and better waste management
  • Attitudinal change in stakeholders concerning energy use

The Context: 

Despite being among the first countries to join Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, still India is one of the largest emitters of Greenhouse Gases(GHG). The growing GHG makes India vulnerable to climate change and it is going to pose an environmental threat to the Indian subcontinent. In educational institutes the threat is posed by –

  • Extensive usage of paper and energy - Papers used for documentation (Study plans by individual teachers,Teacher’s Diary, circulars, exam Question and Answerpaper sheets, ID cards) is rigorous in the college.  
  • Inadequate waste management – Large amount of waste is generated in the college canteen and by way of outdated books and gadgets.

With a strong belief that leaving the earth a better place for the next generation is of utmost importance the institute took several steps to greenhouse emission in the campus. 

The Practice: 

Measures adopted to cut down emissions were divided into two categories - Change in institutional policy and Behavioral change among the stakeholders.

  1. Change in institutional policy : To promote the practice which helps to cut down emissions the following policy was approved-
  2. All-in-one ID-card - One area where paper /plastic was used in large quantities was ID cards issued to the stakeholders. Shifting to a Single ID card to access various facilities of the institute like entry into the campus, to use library facilities, to use gym facility, and so on helped reduce paper/plastic use.
  3. Installation of energy-saving equipment - Moving to LED Bulbs as it is equipment which are more energy efficient.
  4. Green practices in the library and college –
    1. Library adopted the following green practices to cut down GHG emissions-Maintenance of old question papers from paper form to availability in electronic form.
    2. Waste management: Solid waste, organic waste, hazardous waste accumulated was managed as follows-
      1.                                 i.            Vermiculture-The organic waste was converted into vermiculture.
      2.                                ii.            Solid Waste, newspapers, and old admission forms contributed to a large amount of solid waste was systematically disposed off to be recycled by select waste vendors.
      3.                              iii.            Hazardous wastes and e-waste was segregated and handed over to the authorized dealers.
  5. Greeting guests with a sapling in place of flowers has become an accepted method on the campus which has a significant environmental impact associated with the intensive farming of fresh flowers.
  6. Renewable energy- Installation of Solar plants has reduced the dependence on coal-based energy
  7. Behavioural Change in the areas mentioned below has aided in controlling emission
    1. Awareness about need to use public transport and consume goods locally grown was given.
    2. Another behavioral change required in canteen – shift from used of thermocol plate to steel washable plates.
    3. In addition to the above, use resources efficiently was instilled in the student community, this can be achieved by the institution practicing measures like – undertaking printing on both sides of the sheets to control usage of paper, paper stationery should be reused
    4. Turning off computer monitors or other electric appliances at the end of the day, inviting experts to talk on the Utility of energy conservation, regularly deleting the unwanted files from the computer storage, setting the small margin for the page.

Problems Encountered and Resources required:

 Approaching vendors for disposal of solid and e-waste who follow government norms

Bringing in a change in attitude towards approving and accepting green initiatives